Training 'Business Model development'

The training 'Development of Business Model ' was conducted from22.-26th Novembar  Business start up center in Bar. 

Objectives of the training were to train young people with basic knowledge in the field of developing their own products or services, to show how to communicate with clients, to train participants how to apply the basics of financial management.

The trainer was Mr Djordjije Pavicevic, Phd cand.,, teaching associate at the Faculty of Business Economics and Low in Bar.

Within the workshop, young people gained knowledge in the field of searching for and developing a business idea. They learned how to apply research techniques in order to get their own products and services. They learned to use practical tools like: 5W1H, Brainstorming, SWOT analysis and BMC model.

Through practical work, participants found the answer to the question why the client would be interested in their business idea. They have improved their communication skills with clients and learned to assess how their business ideas carry value for the client.

Through the analysis of the required resources, participants estimated the costs and revenues of their own business model and learned how to calculate the cost of their own product / service.

Participants carefully followed the lecture, were interested, considered all suggestions and contributed their ideas and presentations to the training itself. Final papers and presentations were created in teams of five or six participants.


At the following link you can find video tutorial of this training: